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Max staff 2017 annual recuperation elegant demeanor

April spring is full, the grass is long warbler fly, is a good season for spring outing! In order to thank mex's family for their persistence and efforts in work, the old employees went to yandangshan and hainan respectively for their health and recuperation in 2017. The spring was full in April, and the grass grew and the birds flew happily. It was a good season for spring outing! In order to thank mex's family for their persistence and efforts in work, the old employees went to yandangshan and hainan respectively for their health and recuperation in 2017. The spring was full in April, and the grass grew and the birds flew happily. It was a good season for spring outing! In order to thank mex's family for their persistence and efforts in work, the old employees went to yandangshan and hainan respectively for their health and recuperation in 2017. The spring was full in April, and the grass grew and the birds flew happily. It was a good season for spring outing! In order to thank Max's family for their persistence and efforts in work, the old staff went to yandang mountain and hainan respectively for medical and recuperation in 2017

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